※This was a half-hour segment of Aniplex’s 48-hour stream that replaced their planned stage event at AnimeJapan 2020 (which was cancelled due to COVID-19).
Choice Quotes
Q: What’s your nostalgic “taste of home”?
Soma: The fried chicken in lunch boxes, like the family-size ones we’d bring to school sports events. Specifically the way it’s already gotten cold, so it isn’t crunchy anymore–that’s the best. There’s this karaage flour I always use, and whenever I eat it I immediately get transported back to that time.
Q: What is your weakness?
Yuma: Do you even have any weaknesses? Soma: I have nothing but weaknesses Kensho: Mornings. *everyone lamenting about mornings* Soma: Are you the type that’ll keep sleeping for a long time if you fall back asleep? Kensho: Yep Soma: Saaame… Soma: I used to wake up early, but as the years passed I got worse Yuma: I wake up super early… like, at 3am Kensho: Huh? Soma: What lolol Soma: Doesn’t that mean you haven’t gone to sleep yet? Yuma: I used to have a habit of going to sleep at 8pm, and then waking up at 2-3am to play games Kensho: What kind of lifestyle is that?! Yuma: I’d get yelled at if I played at night, so I’d go to sleep early so that I could wake up early and play Soma: What a clever kid
(More weakness talk) Soma: I’m bad with heights… as well as holding thin objects *picks up pen* because my hands naturally shake, same with when I’m holding up scripts. What else… I feel like I have nothing but weaknesses… maybe I was born on the wrong planet lol Soma: Oh and ALLERGIES, it’s so bad right now… I seriously wanna cry
Broadcast: 2020/3/21 @ 6pm Original URL: Unavailable (exclusive to Fami-geki Neo subscribers) Original Name: TVアニメ「啄木鳥探偵處」放送記念・全員集合!?SP Guests: Asanuma Shintaro, Sakurai Takahiro, Tsuda Kenjiro, Ono Kensho, Saito Soma, Umehara Yuuichirou, Furukawa Makoto, Hayashi Yukiya
This stream was later uploaded officially to YouTube:
The stream began with a screening of the first half of Episode 1, then cast introductions. They then took turns pulling questions for everyone to answer. (For the sake of my free time, this summary will be centered around Soma.)
When it’s Soma’s turn to draw a question, Sakurai asks him to show them his “somami” (Soma taste) and Tsudaken asks if somami is green (sure enough, it’s a green gachapon capsule). Soma makes a show out of picking it up and Ume-chan goes “It’s not that heavy” and everyone laughs. Soma finally picks up the capsule and starts rolling it in his hands (“He’s doting on it!”) and after some laughs and snarky comments, Soma says “I don’t know what my direction is anymore!”
The question itself was “Is there another character besides your own that you’d like to play?” and Soma’s answer was Akutagawa (and everyone ends up making a chuuni pose for the camera).
Another question is “If you were going to have another profession in addition to being a voice actor, what would it be?” and Soma of course mentions that before he went into voice acting, he wanted to be an author. Everyone encourages him and says he can pull it off now. As for the genre, he says he wants to write a traveler’s journal, where he writes about a place he visits (and of course the alcohol there). He wants to go somewhere lush with nature, and Tsudaken suggests Alaska, which Soma laughingly agrees would have a lot to write about.
When talking about the voice direction, Sakurai comments that sometimes the sound director uses examples that he doesn’t understand but Soma does (because he reads a lot of books), and Sakurai thinks “Dammit, this guy” when that happens. Soma says that the sound director (who he calls Shimizu-sensei) often goes “You know what this means, right Saito-kun?” for other series too, so every time when Soma’s checking the script, it feels like preparing for a question and answer session, because he expects to be asked about certain things. He also says he gets to learn about a lot of things through Kitsutsuki.
When asked if they think they have anything in common with their characters, Soma says yes, because of the way Isamu looks at things with a cynical attitude. When everyone’s interested in something, Isamu thinks “It’s no big deal”, and Soma says he used to be similar in the past, back when he was really interested in pursuing literature. So, when he voices Isamu, he gets a complicated feeling in his chest as if he’s looking at his past self.
The next question is “If you were to become a poet, what would your pen name be?” and everyone turns to Soma who wants to become a novelist. The question says poet, but they say a novelist pen name is fine too. Soma says he admires cool names like the author Mushanokoji, but would also like something like “kuchinashi” (no mouth). Using words, but without a mouth. Everyone latches onto it and Soma goes “This is embarrassing, hurry up and move on to the next person!”
“If you were a detective and had to pick someone from the guests here to be your partner in solving in a case, who would it be?” Ume-chan names Soma because of his vast knowledge, (Tsudaken calls him kuchinashi again) but Soma says he’s bad at solving mysteries and is terrible at mystery-solving board games. It’s like everything he knows is coagulated inside him, so he needs to be able to think flexibly. His answer to the question is Takahiro-san, but apparently he’s no good at mystery-solving either.
Tsudaken continues to call Soma kuchinashi, much to his embarrassment, wanting it to become an established name (#kuchinashi). Soma says that would be way too painful, and says to the camera “Don’t you dare put it on Wikipedia!”
For the giveaway at the end, they have to come up with a keyword and Ume-chan suggests “kuchinashi,” much to Soma’s chagrin. Soma’s given the marker and Asanuma says he can write his latest song’s title as the keyword (“They’re not going to allow that!”) and that he can name his next song “kuchinashi.” Tsudaken tells him to write his own fetish, and Asanuma says to write something he’d be happy to see trending on Twitter. They try to come up with something that would benefit the series, but whenever they try to think of what was exciting during the stream, they can only remember kuchinashi, so Soma gives up and writes kuchinashi. Tsudaken remarks on how this is Soma’s first time signing with his pen name, and everyone applauds (Soma is dying of embarrassment at this point and hides behind the sign).
At the very end, the sound director Shimizu comes in with sake for everyone, and when he’s pouring Soma’s cup, he points at him and says “You’re a drinker, right?” and Soma laughs it off and asks for just a little.
Broadcast: 2020/3/18 @ 9:30pm JST Original URL:https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv324424552 (no longer available) Original Name: うちタマ?! 3丁目通信 3月号 Guests: Saito Soma, Hatano Wataru (MC), Terasaki Yuka
Choice Quotes
(Talking about how Nora got his name) Hatano: I have a cat too, and the name is very important; it’s like the first gift you give them. My cat’s name is Mugi Tera-chan: It has to be 2 syllables, right? (referencing an episode where the characters talk about how pet names have to be 2 syllables) Soma: Don’t say it “has to”… There’s no Tama restriction here lol (the way he phrased it could also be interpreted as ‘ball bondage’) Soma: Wait, that phrasing was kinda… lol *everyone dying* Hatano: What’s wrong, master of Tama restrictions?! Soma: This isn’t that kind of show!
(Talking about Episode 9 (Aibo)) Tera-chan: I wasn’t in this episode! Hatano/Soma: Oh! Tera-chan: What about the other owners? Maybe Kuramochi-kun’s mom? *Everyone thinking* Soma: *towards staff* Hey… can you guys not look away? We’re asking YOU GUYS you know
(Still talking about Aibo) Soma: The modern Aibo is amazing; it’s practically alive Hatano: They brought a real one to the studio! Tera-chan: Wow! Soma: We were all playing with it like “Wheeee!” *beckoning motion* Hatano: Everyone turned into kids lol Soma: Yuma-kun was having a lot of fun, *Yuma voice* “You’re so cute” Tera-chan: I can imagine it *laughs*
(Talking about Episode 10) Tera-chan: Tama and Tora had that shiritori scene, right? If they followed the script, it’d fit into the scene length, but for some reason they wouldn’t follow the script?? Soma: Wait wait wait Soma: *points at camera* SHIRAI! Soma: It’s Shirai’s fault! Hatano: He forced it on you? Soma: Yes! It’s always his fault! ALWAYS! Tera-chan: You started playing shiritori for real Hatano: I was amazed that you were ad libbing shiritori Tera-chan: But in the end it was too long for the scene LOL, and both the test run and the real take failed and had to be redone Soma: Yeah, they were like “Look, just follow the script ok” and we apologized
(Talking about Episode 11) Hatano: Tomorrow is finally the last episode Soma: The last episode? Uchitama is… ending? It is? Tera-chan: I’m sure it isn’t over Soma: It could continue on forever Soma: You know, I got proof the other day from the producer, he said “It’s called the last episode, but it’s not really the last episode” because you could watch any episode and it could be the last episode Soma: Which means… it could go on forever, right? *looks at staff* Right? Soma: *reads staff’s sign* LOL they wrote “we’re counting on you”, well, we want it to continue too Tera-chan: Maybe if the DVDs sell like hotcakes *laughs* Hatano: Soma-san can we get a word from you
“We’re counting on you” *money sign*
Tera-chan: So pragmatic LOL
(Still talking about the last episode) Soma: I can’t say much about it, but when I read the script, I thought “DAMMIT! This is too reckless!”
3rd Street’s Ultimate Questions (They answer 2-choice questions and see if their answers match)
Q: Someone you meet for the first time keeps getting your name slightly wrong. What do you do? A1 (Tama): Subtly correct them A2 (Gon): Leave it be
Soma: The person who wrote this question probably has experience with that…
Gon / Tama / Gon
Hatano: I don’t have the courage to correct them… Tera-chan: Same… Hatano: One time someone misread my first name as “Sho” and I just became Sho-san for the whole day… Hatano: Also, when I was younger, I guess I resembled this celebrity named Koizumi Kotaro, and one time when we were doing an outdoor shoot, an elderly couple thought I was him and came to root for me, and I didn’t want to crush their dreams so I thanked them for their support…
Soma: I’d prefer to correct them early on; it feels like there’d be less ill will between both of us that way. I’m bad at remembering names, so if I make a mistake I’d want to know early on so I can fix it.
Q: If you go out to eat with a group, and one of the shared platters has one French fry left, what do you do? A1 (Tama): Don’t think, just eat A2 (Gon): Watch and wait, assuming someone else will eat it
Gon / Gon / Tama
Hatano: So you’ll eat it without thinking anything? Tera-chan: Ok it’s not that I don’t think; I do have a reason for it! Isn’t it annoying when the plate stays there the whole time with only one thing on it? Hatano: Oh I see, so the person who eats it has that sense of justice… Soma/Tera-chan: *burst out laughing* Justice???
Hatano: When I think about “what if someone really wants this”, I can’t take it because I’m afraid they’ll be sad if they can’t have it… Tera-chan: I see, well you can just order it again Hatano: Ohhhhhhhhhh
Soma: Well, I have the same opinion as Hatano-san, but also, I think there are a lot of people who’ll refrain from taking the last one, and I don’t want to be the person who eats it Hatano: What? Soma: Everyone is being considerate and waiting for someone to take it, so if I ate it that would make me the impudent one… So, I think Hatano-san picked Gon out of kindness, but in my case I’m just being pretentious Hatano/Tera-chan: LOL Soma: I just want to look good 🙂
Premium Corner: More Ultimate Questions
Q: When picking up a new hobby, which would you do? A1 (Tama): Start with the superficial by buying high-quality equipment A2 (Gon): Start with moderate-quality equipment, because you might not stick with it for long
Soma: This is seriously an ultimate question… the stream might end while I’m still thinking
Tama / Gon / Tama
Hatano: Yeah, I tend to start big… although sometimes I do get bored and quit Tera-chan: I know! And then it’s like, what do I do with this stuff now… Hatano: When you have good equipment, it motivates you more, so I end up just buying it… but Soma’s more grounded, huh? Soma: Oh, no, I just get bored really fast, and I know myself well enough to say “Hold on Soma, you’re just going to get bored of it anyway” Soma: But after the initial hype cools down, if I feel the passion again then I know it’s real, and I’ll switch to Tama
Q: What do you do if there’s somewhere you want to go for the first time? A1 (Tama): Invite someone and go A2 (Gon): Go by yourself first, then invite someone along the next time you go
Soma: What if I don’t invite anyone ever? Hatano: That’s not an option Soma: Can’t the options be Tama, Gon, Soma? Hatano: No, the assumption is that you’re bringing someone Soma: …
Tera-chan: This is a hard one! Hatano: Yeah, it really is Soma: This is an instant decision for me. Hatano/Tera-chan: Really?! Wow… Tera-chan: It depends on the place… Hatano: Yeah… *Soma just nodding by himself*
Gon / Gon / Gon
Soma: So everyone would go by themselves first, then Tera-chan: Yeah, like when I went to New York by myself. It was fun so I want to bring someone with me next time Hatano: You went to New York by yourself?! Soma: I was thinking of like, an izakaya or something, so that goes way above what I was expecting
Soma: Whenever Hatano-san takes us somewhere, they’re always really nice places, like he never chooses a dud. Us kouhais are really thankful for that, but maybe he was scouting them out in advance… (He was)
Hatano: Are you like that too, Soma? Soma: Uh, I just… don’t want to go with anyone lol Soma: I chose by process of elimination… Hatano: So you’re still in the Soma camp Soma: Yeah, it’s actually like this:
Soma: But on the other hand, I’m happy if someone else invites me Tera-chan: Oh, so being invited is ok? Soma: Yeah I’ll go “WOOF!” right away Tera-chan: Oh, so you become a dog when you’re led on Soma: LOL those are powerful words, it’s like I don’t know what it means but I still get it
Tera-chan: There’s a really fun story about dogs and cats. They say that when humans take care of their pets, by feeding them and changing their litter and stuff, dogs will think “Why are they so good to me? They must be God” but cats will think “They’re doing so much for me; maybe I’m a god” (spoken femininely) Tera-chan: It makes sense, right? Hatano: Yep, anyone who lives with a cat will agree Soma: *nods* I’m a god Hatano: Hahaha Soma thinks he’s a god Soma: *repeating the feminine phrasing* Maybe I’m a god– *breaks down laughing before he finishes the sentence* Soma: …Save me *laughter continues as they close off the stream*
Bonus: Post-stream photos from Hatano and Tera-chan’s Twitters
A blog post from Soma’s stylist, Honda Yuuki, about the outfits worn by Soma and Hatano for this stream. (I won’t be translating it, because he doesn’t allow reposting/alterations of his content)
Broadcast: 2020/1/29 @ 9pm JST Original URL:https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv323443554 (no longer available) Original Name: うちタマ?! 3丁目通信 1月号 Guests: Saito Soma (MC), Hatano Wataru (MC), Umehara Yuuichirou, Maeno Tomoaki
Choice Quotes
(Cast is talking about Episode 2) Hatano: So like, before the real recording, we do a test run, and most voice actors will use that time to perform their dialogues for the director to hear, right? That’s the point of the test run, right? Everyone: Yeah (already starting to laugh) Hatano: So normally the people ad libbing in the background will stand back from the mic and keep the volume down, right? They’ll be louder in the real recording, but during the test run they don’t want to get in the way. But like… Beh (Uchida Yuma) was SO into it. Ume-chan: He was such a nuisance that we couldn’t hear our own conversation… Hatano: He kept going “Wait~! Wait~!” and we couldn’t hear anything else Soma: But it’s hard to stay smiling like that the whole time, and even though he was suffering, he still wouldn’t stop Maeno: His heart is so strong Hatano: He has that actor’s determination, going all-out during the test run… well, it was annoying though Soma: LOL Ume-chan: But then during the real recording, Beh was recorded separately, so during our conversation it felt like something was missing Hatano: Yeah! It felt wrong because I got used to that background noise…
(Still talking about Episode 2) Soma: When we recorded Episode 1, their initial description was that it was a healing anime, so I kept that in mind. Then I got the script for Episode 2, looked at it, and went “Huh? ‘Healing’ is a really broad term…”
(Talking about the chaotic test runs) Soma: In Episode 1, it starts with Tama and Pochi going on a walk, and Tama gets distracted, goes into someone’s yard, eats their food, and goes “YUMMM!” (said in a really weird way) Everyone: *bursts out laughing* Ume-chan: That’s what it sounded like during the test run Soma: Yeah and that was kind of… They were like “What do you think this is?” Hatano: We all knew the director well, but even that director went to Soma right after the test run like “What’re you going to do for the real recording…?” He wasn’t sure if you were serious LOL Soma: As the episodes progressed, the test runs got to the point where he’d check first to see how serious we were Maeno: Like “you’re not actually going to do this, right?” Hatano: He was concerned LOL
(Corner where they practice taking photos with “pets” (Uchitama plushies) following themes drawn at random)
Soma: *unfolds paper* WHY IS THIS SO LONG?! “Theme: a 2-shot with the owner that has cuteness appeal. While you’re at it, making eye contact with the camera will make it great for social media. Since you live together, put your faces together and make it a nice scene full of love. It can be either a selfie or a normal photo.”
(Testing the camera. Unintentional theme: “Beauty and the Beast”)(Soma’s photo. “When you live together, your faces become similar”)
Ume-chan: *pulls from the box* “Theme: Playing with his owner. Photos of owners and pets playing without looking at the camera are popular online too. It’s just a stuffed animal today, but please play with it somehow.” Everyone: LOL Ume-chan: Does this mean someone has to take the picture for me? Soma: Or you could be the director Hatano: You can have someone model for you Soma: You could also have someone be your pet Hatano: Wow… Saito-sensei is really something Soma: Oh but it says to use a stuffed animal Hatano: We’re actors though, so we can become stuffed animals
(Cameraman Soma)(Ume-chan’s photo with “pet” Maeno)
Maeno: *pulls from box* “Theme: Cuteness appeal on top of the owner’s lap. A playing or sleeping scene will have explosive cuteness. Take a photo of the pet on your lap from your own point of view. It’ll be even better if it has a daily life feel to it.”
Ume-chan: It doesn’t say “stuffed animal”… (Hmm…) Maeno: Well then… I have three pets, you know? Everyone: *nervous laughter* Maeno: Oh hey, there’s exactly three of you! What a miracle!
(Maeno’s three adorable pets, Yuu-chan, Wata-chan, and So-chan)
Premium Corner: Do you know our Tama? (Hatano, Ume-chan, and Maeno have to guess how Soma would answer the questions)
Soma: Let’s start with a beginner level question, that anyone who knows Soma would know
Q: What comes to mind when you think of a place that’s easy to get lost in?
Soma: You see, our Soma gets lost pretty easily
Soma: *writes his answer* When you think of Soma, it’s gotta be here Ume-chan: Huh? There’s a place like that? Soma: I’m pretty confident in this one… *laughs* Ume-chan: Confident? What does that mean?? Soma: I think you’ll probably get it right
Hatano: Wave Pool Ume-chan: Shinjuku Station (East Exit) Maeno: Tokyo Station Exit
Hatano: My thought process was completely different Soma: What a clean 2-vs-1… Umehara-san and Maeno-san picked stations, and yeah it’s easy to get lost there. They’re pretty much correct Hatano: Mine’s correct too, right?! A wave pool Everyone: What… Hatano: When you look at the videos, sometimes you can only see people’s heads above the water! You can get lost there Soma: Uh, anyway… allow me to present the correct answer:
Everyone: What?! How??? Soma: I like going to the bookstore, and everything catches my eye, and I end up wandering deeper inside Maeno: This is beginner level?! Hatano: In a way, my thought process was the closest!!!
Q: When thinking of house pets, there’s cats, dogs, and _____. What’s the third animal that comes to mind? (A pet that Soma would own)
Maeno: Do you like animals? Soma: I’m not good with them… ah yeah, I might pick something unconventional Soma: *writes answer* Wait, am I allowed to write this? Everyone: Huh? Is that what’s going on? Because it’s a premium stream? Ume-chan: I was kind of avoiding that kind of thing though Maeno: I’m avoiding it too, please don’t misunderstand my answer Soma: Wait, I’m not avoiding anything though… ok then I’ll write something that does avoid that Hatano: Seriously?? Soma: Oh, but the answer is essentially the same thing Everyone: Wha…
Hatano: Axolotl Ume-chan: String (slang for gigolo) Maeno: Pig
Soma: What…… *staff laughing in background* Soma: All of you are weird Everyone: No we’re not! Hatano: LOL pig Maeno: Pigs are clean animals! So I thought it’d suit him… Don’t interpret it as something weird!!! Soma: Okay yeah, pigs are pretty cute Hatano: So you meant an actual pig LOL
Hatano: Okay so what about the middle one… Ume-chan: I figured he’d have a string Hatano: You mean like a regular old string? Ume-chan: Yeah, of course, definitely Soma: I don’t think you can run from this anymore Umehara-san Hatano: What’re his friends going to think when he introduces a string as his pet?!
Maeno: Okay so Hatano-san… Hatano: I put axolotl Soma: I get it though, they ARE cute
Hatano: Oh, THAT’S what you meant… Soma: I think Umehara-san was actually the closest LOL but Maeno-san was right in terms of keeping things clean, and the axolotl has a cute form too, so you were all right
Q: Describe Uchitama?! in a single kanji.
Everyone: This is a tough one…
Soma: Hmm… well, it’s probably this, but I don’t know if I can write that kanji… Everyone: The kanji?! Hatano: Can you not pick a difficult kanji 🙁 Soma: Okay well, let’s make it acceptable to write the kanji in hiragana
Soma: *writes his answer* Is this kanji right…? *shows it to staff to ask if it’s right*
Hatano: Fun Ume-chan: Healing Maeno: Love
Maeno: It’s a series packed with love, and we put so much love into it, so I thought Soma-kun would definitely write “love” Soma: Thank you
Ume-chan: Is this kanji right? Hatano: I’m impressed you were able to write that! Soma: Indeed, Uchitama is a healing show
Hatano: The recording sessions were so fun, after all. We never stopped laughing
Soma: Well… first, let’s look at my answer:
Soma: Soooo, everyone was right! We all pretty much thought the same thing 🙂
Broadcast: 2019/12/29 @ 8pm Original URL: https://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv323121514 (no longer available) Original Name: キャスト特番「歌舞伎町シャーロックをみんなで楽しむ番組」 Guests: Konishi Katsuyuki, Yamashita Seiichiro, Saito Soma
※A lot of things discussed on this stream were also talked about in the translated interviews, so I’ll only include the new information here (because I’m lazy)
This stream was packed with dirty jokes; I don’t even know how long this post will be if I list all of them out
Konishi introduced himself as Dean Fujioka, the actor who plays Sherlock in the Sherlock TV drama series that aired at the same time as Kabukichou Sherlock
Konishi: I’ve been with Soma-kun on programs and interviews before, but not Yamashita-kun Yamashita: Yeah, this is our first time Saito: Whoa, your first time is live! *whistles* ((“live” and “raw” are the same word in JP)) Konishi:Kabukichou Sherlock doesn’t hold back! I’ve taken Yamashita-kun’s first time! (They start referencing Kyougoku’s hotel scene from the show)
Konishi said they had to do the detective rakugo at the audition too. Normally auditions are done alone, but for Kabukichou Sherlock they had several voice actors for different roles in at the same time, playing off each other. So, the ones auditioning for Sherlock had to do the detective rakugo (something they’d obviously never done before) in front of everyone else, and he was miserable.
Soma was talking about facing challenges as an actor when suddenly the background changed to a screenshot of Kyougoku’s bed scene making him stop in his tracks and laugh. He said that that scene actually took around 5 takes, and they recorded several variations of “M-Maki-chan” and “Nooo”
A screenshot of the scene where Irene pushes her breasts against Sherlock’s face is shown, and Soma said there must be a pervert among the staff (Soma also likes Irene a lot)
Recap Quiz
Q1. What year and class was “Sherlock Holmes” in? ① 2-1 ② 2-2 ③ 2-3 ④ 3-B
4 / 1 / 4
Yamashita: Oh, so I’m the only one who answered seriously Konishi/Saito: Wait wait wait, we were serious too Konishi: Most of the stream comments said 4 Saito: I thought the Sherlock staff were being humorous with it, showing a joke answer but it’s actually the real answer Yamashita: I had a feeling it was second year, but there were a bunch of choices, so I went with 2-1 because my birthday is on the 21st Saito: Are you trying to be cute?
Correct answer: ③
Q2. What was the name of the bank that was robbed by the thief Cobra? ① Hozumi Bank ② Zuihou Bank ③ USJ Bank ④ Yotsui Sumitomo Bank ⑤ KABUKIN BANK
Saito: Is the right answer really in here? Yamashita: It wouldn’t be a quiz otherwise
3 / 3 / 5 (The text on Konishi’s references comedians that did a skit about the UFJ bank)
Yamashita: I picked 3 because Cobra has a universal impression. Yotsui seemed kind of plain and KABUKIN seemed too obvious Saito: I thought it’d be too risky to parody financial institutions, so I went with this even though it’d be in-your-face
Correct answer: ①
Saito: Isn’t this visual in general kind of bad?? Konishi: Isn’t this the DKB?!
Q3. What’s the latest version of the real wife “Airi”? ① ver.4.5 ② ver.6.9 ③ ver.7.2 ④ ver.8.1
(looking at the viewer poll results which are overwhelmingly ②) Yamashita: #2, uh… *in English* sixty-nine has the most votes Konishi: Dude no, it’s six-point-nine, do you not see the dot?
2 / 2 / 2
Yamashita: They’d all make sense though; 45 (shiko = onomatopoeia for masturbating), 72 ((o)nani = masturbation), anything works Konishi: What’s the last one? Yamashita: Is it yaoi (801)? Wait no Saito: *dying of laughter* Yamashita: Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that Konishi: Oh it’s pai (breasts) Yamashita: Yeah you’re right Saito: *still dying*
Correct answer: ②
Saito: Yay! Konishi: Everyone’s correct (seikou) Saito: Having sex?? (seikou) Konishi: Everyone is seikou
Q4. The “PACHINKO” sign near Pipecat’s entrance has one letter dimmed out. Which one is it? ① P ② A ③ C ④ H ⑤ I ⑥ N ⑦ K ⑧ O ⑨ ☆
2 / 1 / 2
Saito: Well, Konishi-san and I… Konishi: We went the obvious way to make it CHINKO (dick) Yamashita: Oh, I picked 1 to make it like “Ah, chinko” Saito/Konishi: *dying of laughter* Yamashita: *long justification about how from a copywriter’s point of view it’d fit together than P-CHINKO, because the ‘A’ provides a sense of realization* Konishi: Oh, that’s the clean version then, “Ah, chinko” compared to our “CHINKO!”
Correct answer: ②
Q5. What locker number did Watson use at the bathhouse? ① 025 ② 045 ③ 069 ④ 072 ⑤ 081 ⑥ 111
Konishi: What’s #6? Saito: Ii– All three: Iiiiii! (Yesss!) Konishi: What are we doing in a group of three men… Yamashita: We couldn’t do this kind of thing at the recording, because there were a lot of women present
Konishi: It’s a shame that #5 wasn’t 801 (yaoi) instead
4 / 4 / 4
Konishi: Yep, #4 – onani (masturbation)
Correct answer: ⑤
All: Uwaaaaa Yamashita: It’s oyai! Konishi: What’s oyai?! *staff inform them* All: Oh it’s OPPAI! (breasts) All: We even said it earlier!! Yamashita: So Watson’s about oppai…
Q6. In the late-night shogi match, Irene goes “Incredible! So much!”, but how many pieces were there actually? ① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 ⑤ 5 ⑥ 6 ⑦ 7 ⑧ 8 ⑨ 9
Saito: I wasn’t looking at that in that scene… Yamashita: I was only listening to Irene’s voice! Saito: Yeah, I was focusing with my ears Yamashita: That’s a scene where you close your eyes Konishi: Who’s looking at the screen?!
9 / 8 / 6
Saito: I had no idea, I just picked 6 because I thought it was the most perverted number
“Like this, right?”
Yamashita: I see, I figured if you enlarged 8 and turned it on its side, it’d look like boobs Saito: LOL Konishi: Are you a genius? Yamashita: There’s a fine line between genius and idiot, and I think I’m on the idiot side
Correct answer: ⑥
(End of quiz segment for now. They move on to announcements)
Premium Corner: S-Level Quiz
Q1. How much money did the Morstan sisters have saved up in Episode 5?
¥690000 / 724545¥ / ¥530000
(After Yamashita says his number which is equivalent to “fap fap fap”) Saito: HOLD UP Konishi: Oi! Saito: I don’t know you anymore Konishi: You can’t do that just because it’s the premium stream Yamashita: Wait but yours… Konishi: Mine is just 690k, that’s all Saito: He just figured it’d be around there Yamashita: But I also thought…
Konishi: Shouldn’t the ¥ go at the front? Yamashita: Oh I see, it’d be yen . . . *Everyone dying of laughter* Konishi: You made it hard for Soma-kun to give his answer! Yamashita: I’m so sorry Konishi: Okay so why 530k? Saito: Huh? Oh… I just thought it’d be around 500k
Correct answer: 570,121
Konishi: So Soma-kun got the closest? Saito: Thank you Frieza-sama!!!
Q2. There are two shiny cards in the “Dokkiri-man Choco” series. One is the Rakugo Camel, and what’s the other?
Saito: Master “Something”
Konishi: Guardian Seraph
Yamashita: See-through Zeus or Perverted Zeus
Correct answer: Bakery Panda
(No one was even remotely close)
Q3. The legendary martial arts “Baritsu” used by Sherlock Holmes also appears as the name of a building. What type of building is it?
Saito: A proper masseuse
Konishi: Telecommunications
Yamashita: Soapland Baribari! Baritsu! ~Way of Love~
Saito: What’s with that subtitle?! Konishi: Umm… I know this is the premium section, but there are things you’re not allowed to say… “Soapland” is out Saito: This is as far as you can go *holds up his answer* Konishi: Either that or censor it out
Saito: It’s too late!
Correct answer: Sushi Restaurant
Konishi: A restaurant…? Saito: Oh, because “Bar”…? *Staff hold up full name* All: Sushi Restaurant Baritsu?? Saito: How’re we supposed to know that?! Konishi: What’s the sign next to it? Deep…? Yamashita: Deep Dene…? Konishi: Deep Dean Fujioka??
Q4. What’s the name of the department store Kyougoku and Maki-chan went to on their first date?
Konishi: Make sure to cover up any bad words
Isetan / Pawn Shop Bentendo / Haankyu
Yamashita: I toned it down but (Soma) turned it up… Konishi: Young people would go to Isetan right?
Correct answer: Asatan
Konishi: I got pretty close right? *Staff give him the point* Saito: What about Haankyu? *Silence from staff*
Q5. The USB was hidden inside a can of peaches. Where were the peaches produced?
Okayama / Morocco / Kawakami (river upstream)
*Konishi and Yamashita quietly laughing at Kawakami* Konishi: Stop making weird jokes; if you’re going to joke at least make it something like Morocco
Answer: Yamagata
Konishi: Yamagata?! They aren’t strawberries! *All incorrect* Konishi: Which Kawakami were you talking about by the way? Saito: Uh….. I dunno, maybe Tamagawa River Konishi: Unfortunately you’re wrong then
Q6. What’s a virgin?
Yamashita: Is this a philosophical question? Saito: Um… *Staff clarify that it’s the definition in the show* Konishi: I already started writing SEX! *shows sketchbook*
Kyougoku / Rocket Beam / Drawing of Kyougoku with “Haankyu…” written below
Konishi: Haankyu… Saito: My answer is Kyougoku though Konishi: That’s Haankyu Yamashita: If you leave it like that, it’s going to be Haankyu Saito: *struggles to cross out the Haankyu because he’s laughing too hard*
Correct answer: “Someone who’s never shot a rocket beam from their body”
Final Score: Saito – 4 Yamashita – 6 Konishi – 3
The prize was wrapped in green paper so it became see-through
Konishi: I learned a lot about Yamashita-kun today Saito: It’s like everything changed in the past 1.5 hours Konishi: It’s going to be a good year
Broadcast: 2019/12/24 @ 9pm JST Original URL:https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv323313275 (no longer available) Original Name: うちタマ?! 3丁目通信 クリスマス特別号 Guests: Saito Soma, Ono Kensho, Shirai Yusuke, Uchida Yuma, Hatano Wataru (MC)
Choice Quotes
(Cast is drinking drinks based on their characters) Soma: There’s something solid in here! Everyone else: What? Soma: *takes another sip* Oh, never mind, there isn’t. Everyone else: ??? Soma: Sorry, I lied. Everyone else: Why???
(Cast is talking about Tama) Kensho: The PV was way too cute Yuma: (softly) Yeah… Kensho: (softly) Yeah… Soma: Why are you whispering among yourselves? Hatano: But it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he’s so cute, it’s like the role was created so that Saito Soma could play it Soma: Well, that’s just how it is sometimes… *makes cat pose* Everyone else: AAAAAAA welp, Merry Christmas! Hatano: Presents for everyone!
(Announcing the next stream) Hatano: Another stream has been announced for next month! *lists off details* Hatano: As for the content… Saito-kun, if you would Soma: Uh…….. *laughs* Everyone else: What’s wrong? Soma: Um… well you see, today’s program is a live special, right? Hatano: Yes, it’s a live stream Soma: Today’s is a “live special,” and the second one is a “special” Shiraimu: …Oh, so… Soma: Are you ready? Can I say it? Soma: It’s… already been pre-recorded *Everyone laughs*
(Opinion Survey corner where they hold up the name of who they think matches the topic the most)
Q1: Who here do you think is the most cat-like? Soma: Shirai (he lives freely at his own pace) Kensho: Saito (he’s cat-like; he even looks like a cat (awkward laughing from Soma) and when you’re talking to him, you wonder what mood he’s in, like a cat that’ll approach you one day and ignore you the next. also the way he hides his neck *points out Soma’s turtleneck sweater*) Shiraimu: Saito (they didn’t talk much when they first met, but after getting to know each other better they got closer in a flash, also he has the aura of a cat) Yuma: Shirai (he doesn’t get influenced by his surroundings and he sticks with his preferences, like how he always wears green)
Q2: Who here would be the most likely to bite their owner? Soma: Ono (rather than the angry kind of bite, a playful bite *Kensho makes biting motions*) Kensho: *Blank* (everyone is nice) Shiraimu: Saito (Saito Soma will play-bite you, he seems like he’d be good at getting people to spoil him *Soma makes biting motions that gradually turn into head-banging*) Yuma: Uchida (uhh yeah, playful bites *makes biting motions and weird faces at the same time*)
(Lost Item challenge where they pick topics and time limits from a box, then draw them within the time limit for the others to guess)
Shiraimu (Time limit: 15 seconds) Correct answer: Dog doing a handshake
Soma (Time limit: 20 seconds) Correct answer: Cat tower (Soma didn’t really know what it looked like and was shocked they got it right)
Yuma (Time limit: 10 seconds) Correct answer: Pizza (they were thrown off for a while, thinking it must be related to dogs/cats)
Kensho (Time limit: 3 seconds) Correct answer: Cat toy (“3 seconds was plenty!”)
Bonus Round: Hatano (Time limit: 15 seconds) Correct answer: Mapo tofu (they all answered at the same time, and everyone said something different, so they discussed it and tried again, but different answers came out again, and finally on the third try they got it right)
Other Notes
Soma’s Santa hat is the only fluffy one
Soma mentioned that he often goes out to eat with Yuma, and went with Shiraimu before too
This stream was held the day before Hatano’s 37th birthday, and Soma, Tarori, and Takeuchi joined him as celebratory guests. All four of them are affiliated with 81 Produce, and they make up the cast of Omikuji Yon Kyoudai (a picture drama and readers theater series).
The guests showed up singing Happy Birthday to him, with Soma holding the cake. They also brought birthday presents for him. Takeuchi gave him a box of cooling eye masks (Soma comments on how the mood is becoming cold too) and wet face masks. Tarori gave him a package of coffee beans and a ceramic coffee filter. Soma gave him a fountain pen and ink set (to be specific, what appears to be a LAMY dialog, worth ~€270). The fountain pen is very futuristic (matching the theme of Hatano’s 2019 live tour) and Hatano offers Soma concert goods in exchange(?!).
Tarori reads out some birthday messages from listeners and Takeuchi reads out a listener mail about Omikuji Yon Kyoudai, leading to them talking about the series for a bit. Tarori calls Soma’s character the most dangerous, “because it’s Soma.”
The next mail asks the three guests to talk about a time when Hatano was a cool senpai to them. All of them struggle for a while, saying that there’s “too many to choose from,” and Hatano starts to worry about whether they’ll actually say anything. Soma says that some of the stories are things he wants to keep as his personal treasures.
Tarori tells a story about a time when he messaged Hatano on LINE asking, “Would you like to have a meal together sometime?” and Hatano replied with a short 「行こ」 (shortened “Let’s go”) and everyone bursts out laughing (Soma: “Cuuute!”).
Soma’s story is about a certain series they were in together as a three-person unit. They all eat yakiniku together at the end of the year, and it’s always Hatano that makes the reservation, with an amazing course for them. When the delicious marbled cuts come out, Hatano says “Go ahead and eat~” and it makes Soma like him.
Takeuchi’s story is about a time when he and Hatano were in the same series together, and after the recording, they happened to be going to the same studio next, and Hatano offered him a ride.
Next, they talk about the stuffed panda on the table and the story behind it (Tarori and Hatano got it when they went to the Phillipines).
The next corner is Word Wolf, a game where they all get a topic to talk about. Three of them get the same topic, and one person gets a different one. No one knows who has the different topic (it could even be themselves) so they have to keep up the conversation while trying to figure out if they’re the wolf (and if so, try to blend in with the rest of them).
(This… is actually kind of hard to summarize lol. I’ll try my best, but sorry if it’s hard to follow.)
~Round 1~
Words (hover to reveal): Hatano/Soma/Takeuchi: Mask. Wolf is Tarori with Glasses.
Tarori says he admired it, and Takeuchi says it’s something you admire as a kid, but maybe not as an adult… Tarori: “?” Takeuchi: “?” (The confusion is already beginning)
Soma asks Takeuchi if he admired it, and he says yes. Soma doesn’t really understand… Tarori clarifies that he thought it was cool, and Soma agrees.
Tarori asks Soma what he thinks of it, and Soma said he never really thought about it as a kid, and so he didn’t admire it.
Hatano tentatively says “It comes in different sizes, right?” and everyone hesitantly agrees. They agree that it comes in different types. Tarori says that there are specialty stores for it and Hatano says “Yeah, I think there are,” causing Soma to go “Hatano-san?” and Hatano clarifies that he hasn’t gone to one before, that he’s just an amateur.
Tarori asks Hatano if he owns it, and he says yes. Tarori asks how many he has at home, and he says an uncountable amount. Soma asks Tarori if he has it, and he says yes. How many? All together, probably less than ten. Soma smiles knowingly and asks Takeuchi, and he just says “a lot,” since he doesn’t really know how many and just puts them all together. Soma remarks that it sounds like everyone has a different word, and Hatano finds it hard to believe that three of them have the same topic.
Hatano asks them to say what colour they associate it with, and they all say it at the same time: Hatano/Soma/Takeuchi say white, and Tarori says light blue. But, Soma and Hatano say that light blue makes sense too. Soma adds that he also has a lot of them (since he didn’t mention it before when they were talking about it).
The viewer poll goes Takeuchi (41%) > Tarori > Soma > Hatano. As for the members, Hatano/Soma/Takeuchi all point at Tarori, and Tarori points at Soma.
After revealing the results (see above), Soma says that he figured out him and Hatano, but between the other two it was hard because Takeuchi was suspicious too. Takeuchi clarifies that the definition was vague, and at first he thought it might mean superhero masks because of how Tarori started with the admiration talk.
They take a break from Word Wolf to do announcements. Hatano talks about his live tour stops and how some of the goods will be sold again afterwards. Soma promotes Omikuji Yon Kyoudai’s first readers theater event, which will be held the next month. Hatano announces the date for the next Rururu stream, and that ends the first half.
~Round 2~
Words: Hatano/Soma/Takeuchi: Angel. Wolf is Tarori with Pegasus.
Tarori once again starts with “I admired this” and everyone laughs but agrees. Soma says it feels special, and Hatano has only seen them in drawings. They haven’t seen actual ones, but they’d encountered them through work because of the roles they’ve voiced.
Tarori calls it “cool” and “divine.” Soma remarks that it has wings, and everyone agrees. Takeuchi says that the number affects their strength, and Hatano says they have a sparkly image.
Soma asks Tarori if he’s been called one before, and Hatano asks who out of the four members seems the closest to one. Tarori says Hatano, and Soma/Takeuchi nod in understanding.
Tarori brings up the colour association again, and all four of them say white.
The viewer poll goes Tarori (50%) > Soma (32%) > Hatano/Takeuchi. Tarori remarks that while he expected himself to be doubted, Soma’s high percentage was surprising… it must be a popularity thing, or because it’s part of his nature. As for the members, Hatano points at Tarori, Soma/Tarori point at Takeuchi, and Takeuchi points at Soma. Hatano’s reasoning was that it seemed that Tarori realized he was the wolf early and was pretending to be a sheep. Takeuchi picked Soma for the same reason, and Soma picked Takeuchi because his comment about the number of wings seemed suspicious.
After revealing the results, Tarori said he actually didn’t realize he was the wolf, and Soma points out that that means Tarori thought Hatano was the most pegasus-like. Tarori says that it was because of the song “Pegasus Fantasy.”
~Round 3~
They eagerly move on to the next round, and Soma asks if he can go buy beer. He also looks at the stream comments and laughs at “Nishiyama-san admires pegasuses, huh?” Hatano is impressed that Tarori was able to keep up until the end with pegasus as his word.
Words: Soma/Tarori/Takeuchi: Onigiri. Wolf is Hatano with Sushi.
Takeuchi immediately starts by asking Tarori if he admires it, and he says no. He says it has a warm, nostalgic feeling though. But even now, he still comes in contact with it around three times a week. Soma says he does around three times a week too. Hatano says he probably doesn’t as often, but he does see it a lot. Soma asks, “When you were a kid too?” and Hatano says yes. Takeuchi says he has it maybe four times a week even.
Soma interjects to say that the last time he ate it was yesterday. (Dramatically revealing the fact that it’s a food item.) He likes it.
Tarori says he ate a really unusual one the other day, that cost ¥700 for one, which was “extremely expensive.” Hatano says it has a wide range of prices, even for the same thing. (Soma starts laughing at this point, prompting the staff in the background to burst out laughing too.) Hatano goes “Wait, did I say something weird?” and everyone is still laughing, but Takeuchi asks Hatano when the last time he ate it was and he struggles to answer. Takeuchi says he ate it for lunch today, and Hatano eventually says it was about two weeks ago.
Soma asks Hatano, “There’s specialty shops for it, right?” and Hatano enthusiastically agrees and Soma says he wants him to take him there next time (at this point he’s clearly figured out what’s up).
They do the colour association again, and everyone says white.
Hatano looks at the stream comments and laughs at the people saying “Hatano is weak.”
The viewer poll goes Hatano (87.9%) > everyone else.
When it comes time to make their guesses, they count “1, 2” and Takeuchi accidentally says his topic (in a really strong voice) instead of pointing towards the wolf. Everyone dies laughing and Takeuchi walks out of the frame in embarrassment. Hatano says “No matter who the wolf ends up being, that’s going to be the most entertaining thing that happens today,” and Takeuchi just continues to be mortified.
Finally they say their actual topics (Takeuchi in a quieter voice this time). Soma accidentally says sushi for himself instead of onigiri, and goes “I can’t do this anymore!”
Hatano says “If you guys said black because of the seaweed, then I would’ve been all alone,” and Soma responds, “I think you were already all alone halfway through.” Soma also says that he asked Hatano to bring them to a shop next time because he already knew that Hatano’s topic was sushi.
~Round 4~
Words: Hatano/Soma/Takeuchi: Kimono. Wolf is Tarori with Suit.
Soma starts by saying that ever since he started doing this work, he’s seen it a lot, and that it’s something he likes. He then asks Tarori if he admires it and Tarori says he does, but not so much when it’s on him. He doesn’t feel much connection to it; he sees it often but rarely has it himself. Soma is starting to laugh at this point, probably because he’s thinking about Somakimi, and Tarori goes “It might be over for me…”
Hatano says it’s “difficult” and Tarori says it requires an aesthetic sense. Takeuchi says it’s also a matter of figuring out where to start from, and Soma says you have to budget out how much the whole thing together would cost.
Soma points out the stream comments saying “Onigiri Yon Kyoudai” and they all laugh.
Everyone says they’ve used one before, and Tarori says he wore one recently. Takeuchi asks what for, and and Tarori says “That kind of time” (everyone laughs) and Tarori clarifies that it was for an event.
They agree that it’s not something you’d wear every day, although there are people who would.
For the colour association, Hatano says red, Soma says white, Tarori says navy blue, and Takeuchi hesitantly says pink.
The staff asks if they own it, and Takeuchi says, “I don’t… actually, I wonder if there’s one at home somewhere,” Soma says he wore one just the other day (but didn’t buy it), and Tarori says he owns it.
The viewer poll goes Tarori (53%) > Soma (35%) and they wonder why it’s always between Tarori and Soma. As for their guesses, Hatano/Soma point to Tarori, Tarori points to Soma, and Takeuchi points to Hatano but switches to Tarori, saying “I’m switching to this” to which Tarori responds “Who’re you calling ‘this’ >:(“
Tarori says he figured out early on because he had no idea what Soma was talking about at first.
Soma remarks that Tarori keeps drawing the wolf, so they decide to do one more round to try and see someone else as the wolf.
~Round 5~
Words: Hatano/Tarori/Takeuchi: Dolphin. Wolf is Soma with Sea Lion.
Tarori starts by saying it’s a classic example of something cute.
Soma says it’s not really something you encounter up close, and Takeuchi adds that its size doesn’t help with that.
Hatano asks if they’ve seen it up close before, and everyone says yes. He then asks if they’ve touched it before, and Tarori says he did before for a program. Hatano says he’s seen it before, but hasn’t touched it. Soma says it’s hard to get close enough to touch it.
Soma says he’s lacking knowledge about the topic, and everyone agrees.
Hatano imagines it as being slippery, aerodynamic. Takeuchi says it travels in a pack, its voice can reach very far, and it has mutual understanding. The staff bursts out laughing because he’s making no sense, but Hatano says he gets what he’s saying, and Soma says they’ve achieved their own mutual understanding so it’s okay.
Tarori says that there’s light-up toys of it and everyone struggles to think. He says “at gift shops” and everyone goes “Ohhhhh!” Soma adds that there’s ones that make sound too.
Soma adds that they’re considered smart, and everyone agrees. Takeuchi says they get emotionally attached, and Soma says they communicate in ways that humans can’t understand. Hatano says there’s an occupation that involves raising them and everyone gives dubious responses.
The staff asks where they saw it, and everyone says the aquarium.
Instead of colour association, Tarori suggests they guess what sound it makes, and they laugh because they can’t tell what anything is when they all do it at the same time.
The viewer poll goes Soma (60%) > everyone else. Hatano wonders why, and Soma says that Tarori’s votes must’ve gone to him.
Their guesses: Hatano/Soma point to Takeuchi, Tarori points to Soma, and Takeuchi points to Tarori. Tarori says it felt like Soma was probing around more than the previous rounds, and making surprised expressions.
When the answers are revealed, Soma says it took a long time for him to realize too. He got a hunch when they were talking about its shape, and thought it might be sea lion vs seal.
Takeuchi asks wtf the light-up toy was, because he had no idea and was just playing along with everyone else (and thinking he might be the odd one out). Tarori says it’s a toy that glows in the dark, and Soma adds that there are ballpoint pens that go “EHEHEHE” when you press them.
Finally, they read another viewer mail (and apologize for spending the whole time playing the game). The mail asks for some behind-the-scenes stories from the concerts they co-performed at (Hatano/Tarori/Takeuchi for A3, Hatano/Soma for IDOLiSH7).
Soma says that before the concert, they talked about how they trusted each other, unlike the game they just played where they all doubted each other.
Tarori says that Hatano had a video of the rehearsal that they all watched, and Hatano would point out the parts he liked and it made Tarori really happy.
Hatano says that they were staying in neighbouring hotel rooms the night before, and Hatano was about to go to sleep when he heard a singing voice coming from somewhere. He mentioned it the next morning, thinking it was going to turn into a scary story, but Tarori said “That might’ve been me.”
There was a bonus video uploaded afterwards, but I forgot to grab it before it expired (it expired earlier than the actual stream did, for some reason) so… if you saved it and would like to share, it would be very appreciated 🙂