Original URL: https://www.animatetimes.com/news/details.php?id=1580462306
Published: 2020/1/31
Konishi Katsuyuki (Sherlock Holmes in Kabukichou Sherlock)
Saito Soma (Kyougoku Fuyuto in Kabukichou Sherlock)
Nakamura Yuichi (John H. Watson in Kabukichou Sherlock)
Yamashita Seiichiro (James Moriarty in Kabukichou Sherlock)
Tachibana Tatsumaru (Kobayashi Toratarou in Kabukichou Sherlock)
Murase Ayumu (Hokari Maki in Kabukichou Sherlock)
The gags mixed in with the human-nature stories… is because Director Yoshimura and Kishimoto-san are shy
Q: Now that we’ve broken into the second cour with Episode 13, what were the memorable scenes for you there?
Konishi: The scene with all the poop.
All: *laughs*
Saito: Episode 14, the Kyougoku episode, right? For the record, it’s because of that that Kyougoku was able to recover, and the episode’s punchline was poop too. *laughs*

Konishi: I was like “You’re kidding me…” when he walked onto it.
Saito: It’s because they didn’t check to make sure there was none left in the bag.
Kyougoku’s episode was memorable to me too, and actually, after Episode 11, I asked “What happens to Kyougoku after this?” and was told that the shock was so great that he can’t go outside and loses sight of himself for a while, but he does get an episode where his wounds are healed. Then I received Episode 14, and just when I thought it was a story about overcoming the past and getting back on his feet, the final, final punchline was that. It was fitting for the series in a way. *laughs*
Konishi-san said before that Kyougoku is a lovable idiot, and I said in a previous interview that I think he’s a pure fellow. I feel that Episode 14 is the strongest presentation of that. He’s a romanticist, idealist, and has dreams the way any 23-year old would. His childish side is shown a lot and he’s often the subject of exaggerated jokes, but I think this episode lets you come to like him as a normal human being.
The animation style changed for that last sword fight-like scene.

Konishi: It felt like a different anime? *laughs*
Saito: It did, and I had to talk in that samurai-style accent that made me go, “Wait, I did this?” It felt like a total mish-mash, but in the end it did work out to be a human-nature story, so it was memorable for me.
Konishi: Kabukichou Sherlock as a whole is a human-nature story.
Saito: Indeed. I think Director Yoshimura and the screenwriter Kishimoto-san are probably shy, so instead of telling the story directly, they sprinkle it with jokes. But the story itself directly depicts the inner workings of the heart.
Q: You can feel that everywhere throughout the show. For Sherlock, Mycroft appears in Episode 13, and he gave off an uneasy feeling.
Konishi: He’s creepy, right? When the sound director explained him to us, everyone recoiled like “What?!”
Saito: We didn’t just laugh it off like “Ahaha.”
Konishi: It must be hard for Sherlock, being monitored all the time.
After Mycroft shows up, there are some little details that you won’t notice unless you’re watching intently, like positional changes and things disappearing. He sets off all the alarm bells.

Q: Seeing Mycroft’s actions and the state of the prison that Moriarty’s in makes me wonder if it’s all connected to Ward Mayor Moran somehow.
Saito: That’s something I hope you’ll speculate about. In a previous discussion, Seiichiro-kun said that Moriarty is a friendly and sociable boy, but now there’s suddenly scenes that make you think he’s going to start something on his end. The viewers have various different opinions, like maybe he has another motive, or they want to shower him with love because he’s cute, but…
His first goal was to get revenge on Jack, so now that that’s accomplished, the show will follow what he’s thinking while in jail, and what’s actually going on there. From there, I think it’ll lead to a different axis for the story to revolve around.
Q: The original Moriarty was an enemy, but the Moriarty in this series feels more like a lovable character.
Saito: Yes, fate was not kind to him.
Konishi: I think many people are watching this assuming that Sherlock and Moriarty are going to fight, because they hone in on the Sherlock title. However, Moriarty isn’t depicted in a way that makes you think “He’s going to become an enemy eventually” at all, which I thought was a bit strange. Like Soma-kun said, he’s really cute and friendly, so it makes you wonder when he’s going to change his attitude. Then, the first cour ends with him desiring revenge and killing Jack, and we can’t tell whether he’s friend or foe. It makes you wonder if they’re doing that to simplify Moriarty’s “existence as someone for Sherlock to fight” from the original novels.
Now that he’s in jail and the story will show more and more of the events there, I’m sure the viewers will be very interested in finding out what he’s thinking and whether he’s truly friend or foe, because he usually doesn’t talk much about himself. So, please pay attention to those developments from here on out.

Q: It felt like there was something slightly off about him, and we went from his cute appearance to his revenge scene in Episode 11. During the flashbacks in Episode 13, he confesses that he felt that Sherlock resembled him, and rewatching from Episode 1 made me wonder if Sherlock was hiding a side of himself as well. It feels like the perspective is going to change for the second cour.
Konishi: Yes, I think each character’s viewpoint is going to change.
Saito: The start of the first cour was extremely comedic, but a major plot line was moving under the surface, building up the suspense. The second cour is being created with the assumption that everyone now understands how Kabukichou Sherlock’s story is told, and in my opinion, the story gets more complicated from here. It really feels like they’re using anime to accomplish something difficult. Comedy fans will surely enjoy it, but I hope that mystery fans will also speculate from different angles as they watch.
The change from moving forward spreads to all of the characters like a ripple effect
Q: Episode 14 returns to a slice-of-life comedy story, and while we’re enjoying the story for what it is… we’re also anxiously awaiting the next plot development. By the way, it feels like Sherlock and Kyougoku have changed after the Jack incident. Was there anything you were conscious of when acting?
Konishi: I think Moriarty changed the most. For Sherlock it’s a straight extension from before. It’s a matter of what the continuation of his relationships will look like after the events that’ve happened so far.
Q: There’s his actions towards Watson and the other Row House members. For example, do you think his shock therapy on Kyougoku was a natural course to take?
Konishi: It feels like it’s becoming natural for him to extend a hand to others, perhaps because of Watson. It’s like he doesn’t need a reason to expend all his effort to help someone. I get the feeling that his overall relationships are changing thanks to Watson, so Watson is an important influence on him. That well-built young man came along and asked him to take his request, but he gave him the runaround and that timid young man is still at it today. *laughs*
Saito: *laughs*
Konishi: That’s why I think Watson is in an incredibly important position in the story. Sherlock changes a lot because of him, and Moriarty is affected by Sherlock’s changes. Watson also has a certain synergy with the other characters, affecting them as well. In that sense, I guess you could say that Sherlock has changed.

Q: As for Kyougoku, he’s changed because of his crash and recovery after Maki-chan.
Saito: Indeed.
Konishi: He’s such a cool guy *laughs*. He really is precious.
Saito: I think Kyougoku’s changed a lot in ways other than his recovery. Like the story behind the gloves; Kyougoku has many more unique traits than the other characters, and cleanliness is one of them. In Episode 14, he’s not wearing his gloves for the whole time he’s hospitalized, but after regaining himself, he slips his gloves on at the end of the episode and says something along the lines of “The city calls for its ace”… and then steps into poop.

All: *laughs*
Saito: From there, he becomes a truly sympathetic person, who’ll rush to help a bleeding person without worrying about getting blood on himself. In the second cour, you can truly see him growing as a person behind all the gags. I didn’t make any deliberate changes to my acting, but I made a conscious effort to express how he’s changed. Episode 14 was certainly bizarre, though. *laughs*
Konishi: That’s the Kabukichou Sherlock way *laughs*. Kyougoku’s a real badass in the scene later on where he dives into blood of his own free will, despite being squeamish about it. They told us at the recording sessions that he was going to have an episode where he’s really cool, and I think everyone did change their opinion of him after that. *laughs*
Saito: Definitely. We’ll show you Kyougoku’s cool side, everyone! *laughs*
Konishi: We received the same assurance *laughs*.
I’m not sure if you could call it “moving forward,” but even though everyone’s lifestyle remains the same, their attitudes have all taken a small step forward, and now that’s spreading like a ripple effect.
Q: What are your opinions on the new ED song and video?
Konishi: I thought the second cour was Lozareena’s “Hyakuoku Kounen” again. *laughs*
Saito: “Hyakuoku Kounen” is also a wonderful song.
Konishi: Lozareena-san made a guest appearance on LINE LIVE so I got to hear her live, and it was really good.
Saito: I’m jealous.
Konishi: The new ED, Ishizaki Huwie’s “Parade” is good too. Since we watched it after all of the recording was done, we can see how meaningful it is. The things that symbolized Sherlock’s accomplishments and experiences are no longer symbols anymore. I think it’s a great ED with a lot of significance.
Saito: I said this in a previous discussion too, but Kabukichou Sherlock’s music is really stylish.
Konishi: Iga Takuro-san’s songs are a perfect fit.
Saito: It’s great how Kabukichou Sherlock noisily crafts a cruel story, but another great thing about it is its stylish music and visuals.
The ED represents the show’s mellow world really well; it feels like what happens after the noisy conversations, when everyone disperses and are left to their own devices. The more lively the episode, the more sad it is when it’s over. But, I really felt that that definitely isn’t a bad thing. And the ED animation is clean and stylish too.
Konishi: I like the photo with Kyougoku’s weird face on it.
Saito: The one that makes you go “Never mind, Kyougoku’s still…” *laughs*
As Konishi-san said earlier, together with the depictions of previous episodes, it’s an ED that I’d want to listen to while pondering how the series will end.
Q: “Hyakuoku Kounen” and “Parade” are both touching songs. The OP had hints about the first cour hidden in it, so it makes me wonder if the new ED has an intent behind it too.
Konishi: The staff like that kind of thing, so there might be something.
Saito: Why don’t you try enlarging each of those little photos? *laughs* I get the feeling that there’re tons of clues scattered among them.
Konishi: Since it’s a detective story, everyone loves to speculate. Although when I saw the PV from before Kabukichou Sherlock began airing, I thought it revealed too many answers for the first cour.
All: *laughs*
Saito: It had a lot of telling clues in it, and it made it seem like it was a really serious show without any dirty jokes. *laughs*
Konishi: When I started watching it, I saw that Episode 1 had a flood of information. But that jumbled-ness is what makes Kabukichou Sherlock.
If they were going to participate in a collab event, Konishi-san would compete as a pair with Nakamura-san, and Saito-san would go on a cafe date with Murase-san and the others?!
Q: As we asked in the previous interviews too, do you have any requests for each other?
Konishi: Soma-kun has a lot of fans, so I want him to announce “Konishi-san is really good” to his fangirls and raise my popularity.
All: *laughs*
Saito: When Konishi-san came as a guest on my TV show, I invited him for drinks after the filming and he declined. Afterwards, people @ed him on Twitter saying “Please go drinking with Soma-kun.”
All: *laughs*
Konishi: We’d spent pretty much the entire day eating and drinking, so I was stuffed. Since I’d already eaten and drank so much, I said “I kind of just want to go home after this” and the replies just came flooding in *laughs*. So, I do want to go someday.
Saito: In that case, I’ll make my request “I want to go drinking together,” and it’ll be win-win.
Konishi: You’re right. I just have to take a picture of us doing this *poses shoulder-to-shoulder* and post it on Twitter.
All: *laughs*
Saito: That’s it!
Konishi: It might make it into Trending *laughs*. During the show, we said Taiwan would be next, so maybe we can do it in Taiwan.
Q: Kabukichou Sherlock currently has collaborations with Shinjuku Copa Bowl and the spy experience attraction inSPYre. If you were going to go with another cast member, who would you go with and which would you go to?
Konishi: Uhh, I generally don’t socialize during my private time, so I don’t want to go. *laughs*
Saito: *laughs*
Q: What if it was for work?
Konishi: In that case, I’d go with Nakamura-kun since we’re the Sherlock & Watson duo.
Saito: I think everyone would want to buy a DVD of Konishi-san and Nakamura-san going bowling. *laughs*
Konishi: Normally I’d secretly go by myself. I won’t go with anyone because it’s tiring if it’s not for work.
If it’s for work then I’d go with Nakamura-kun as that duo. We could all split into teams like Mary & Lucy and Kyougoku & Toratarou and compete against each other.
Q: Previously, Yamashita-san said that Saito-san seems like he’d be good at riddle-solving, so it might be advantageous to go with someone who seems good at it.
Konishi: Soma-kun is a quick thinker, so I bet he’d have great flashes of insight.
Saito: I’m actually bad at riddle-solving, so I’m jealous of people like Konishi-san and Nakamura-san who can instantly think up things.
Personally, I think I’d have more fun drinking while watching the completed footage than actually participating, so if you two could go by yourselves, that’d be great *laughs*. If I were going, I think I’d go with Seiichiro-kun and Tatsumaru-kun, since we’re close in age and we also sat next to each other at the recordings. The other day, we finally got around to going for yakiniku together, and we went for tea after that as well.
Konishi: Really?!
Saito: Naturally, we wound up talking about Kabukichou Sherlock.
Seiichiro-kun is a polite young man, but he has a fierce passion hidden inside and a surprisingly pointed personality.
On the other hand, Tatsumaru-kun gracefully livens things up, but since he’s been touring the country as part of a theatre troupe ever since he was young, he has a somewhat philosophical side to him.
I want to watch those two very different people go bowling or puzzle-solving together, while I cheer from the sidelines. *laughs*
Konishi: I do feel a sense of understanding from Tatsumaru-kun, and a dazzling sense from Yamashita-kun.
Saito: They’re an interesting pair. Maybe those two could team up, and I could go with Murase Ayumu…
Konishi: That’d work.
Saito: Then the four of us can go on a cafe date. *laughs*
Konishi: You’ll have to make a reservation at the A*A Hotel then.
All: *laughs*
Q: That sounds like it’d be fun.
Konishi: I don’t think anyone would accept the offer. *laughs*
Saito: Murase Ayumu might.
All: *laughs*
Q: Lastly, please give a message for the fans watching the anime.
Saito: Thank you for watching Kabukichou Sherlock into its second cour. I really like how this series is a mishmash of humour, suspense, and human nature. Now that the first cour is over, the series will be gearing up for a new storyline.
If this interview has piqued your interest for the first time, I hope you’ll watch the first cour and join in for the upcoming story. As for the details, I think it’s best if you watch it for yourself, but if there’s one thing I want to bring up, it has to be what’s going to happen to Moriarty from here on out. There obviously has to be something going on, so please focus on his story as a central axis as you watch the series to the end.
Please continue to support Kabukichou Sherlock!
Konishi: As for me, all I have to say is “Please watch it.” *laughs*
Saito: *laughs*
Konishi: Kabukichou Sherlock is a very peculiar show, so I think opinions of it will be divided. Personally, I love it and I look forward to watching it every week.
There’s the original rakugo mystery-solving, and when you think an episode is a self-contained story, there’s actually various clues hidden within. It’s a series with lots of that kind of build-up, and there are still platforms where you can watch it from Episode 1.
Some people may watch Episode 1 and feel that there’s too much information so they can’t handle the detective work, but in that case, you can follow the relationships and inner emotions instead, and there’ll be surprising developments waiting ahead.
So, if you haven’t watched it yet or you stopped a few episodes in, please watch the first cour and keep following until the end. I think your impression of Kabukichou Sherlock will change greatly.
I hope you’ll watch until the end. Thank you.