
  • Character voiced: Hongou Madoka


  • This series was promoted several times on Dameradi (including guest appearances), but I’ll fill this section in later on when I catalogue the Dameradi stuff


  • AGF2019 Bundle Ticket Exclusive Drama CD
  • Drama CD Vol.1
  • Drama CD Vol.3
  • Character Interview CD from buying all six Blu-ray volumes from Gamers


Drama CD Vol.1 Cast
  • Drama CD Vol.1 Cast Comment:
    “Ishikawa Kaito-kun and I always promote works as part of our ‘Dameradi’ radio, and this time I’m very happy that it was one I play a part in as Madoka. I can’t talk too much about the contents yet, but it was more proactive than I was expecting, and each character has really unique qualities.”
    (Regarding the drama CD) “The script and the characters were interesting, and I want to see more of their daily lives. Madoka-kun’s peculiar aloofness is great, but personally I liked Ibuki-kun. During the recording, I almost burst out laughing during the part about vegetables. The off-beat feeling of the dialogue was superb, so I hope you can listen to it soon!”
    “This prequel was already really interesting, so I’m looking forward to seeing where the story goes in the anime. I feel at ease playing Madoka-kun. Please support number24!

  • Drama CD Vol.3 Cast Comment:
    “This time, there are a lot of conversations between Madoka, Kazutaka, and the new character Okumura Touma. Madoka was as Madoka as ever, so it was fun. Personally, I’m a fan of how he looks at things from above with composure and amusement, so I knew it was going to be an enjoyable recording. Madoka had more lines than I expected, and the recording went on until the last minute *laughs*. I got to act out Madoka getting riled up, joking around, and being serious.”
    “Madoka’s dangerous, but so are Kazutaka and Touma. I hope you enjoy this trio of weirdos!”
    “Madoka didn’t speak much in the anime, so I’m thankful that I got to speak as him a lot in this drama CD. When you listen to it, you’ll understand the Hongou brothers’ nature more… well, maybe not, but it’s a very characteristic story for them, so please enjoy it! Thank you!”

  • Post-Episode 12 Cast Comment:
    “Naturally, the climax scene was the most memorable. This story is centered around Natsusa, but I realized that it’s also Ibuki’s story. As for Madoka, his last lines left a strong impression on me. Despite the visuals being what they were, I was directed to act eloquently nonetheless. That’s Madoka for you *laughs*. I hope you enjoy it!”
    “Once again, thank you for supporting number24! Madoka seems like he’s still got more energy to spare, so I want to see what happens next! A drama CD where we get to talk in a larger group sounds like it’d be fun. I hope I get more chances to voice Madoka! Thank you!”